Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My boyfriend is overprotective lately...?

My boyfriend and I both live in a big city. He has a career in law enforcement. He's gotten a promotion and was put in the Special Victims Unit. So, he sees a lot of rape victims and things like that all the time and before he didn't really worry about me too much. But now he like insists on walking me home all the time and I used to just walk home alone. Or if I walk home from a party or something with a roomate, he'll insist I text him as soon as I get home. One time I forgot because I was really tired and he came to my house! Also, I'm a local journalist so sometimes guys will recognize me and be like, "Haven't I seen you before?" And now he gets really mad when they do that. I do see his point a TINY bit because I am a young woman living in a big city and I used to walk home by myself at like 3 a. m all the time. Is this bad behavior. Do you think he is wrong for being so overprotective or is it understandable. Regardless, it makes me uncomfortable and I've tried to tell him to lay off but he doesn't really get it. What should I do? How do I convince him to relax? Do you think he should look into another unit because I think this job is starting to really mess with his head.

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