Friday, August 12, 2011

I really want a re4lationship, but how to get one?

ok im a 15 years old gay guy and ive never had a relationship before nor have i ever kiss a person.. no one knows im gay, but i really want someone now... i dont know how to recognize ifi someone is is not like i could ask some one just like that, the only open gay boys in my school i know are annoying ... so i dont know what to do... and even if i get a boyfriend i dont think i could tell my family .. and i domnt know how i would excuse my absenses..i dont know what to do please help

What can I do to get rid of lip fillers?

I got my lips injected when I was 18,at first I thought it was the best idea i thought I looked great,but as time went on I realized,I didn't recognize myself in the mirror anymore,this was the second cosmetic procedure I have had done,and I realized that plastic surgery won't help me,psychological therapy will.I regret this,I am not looking like myself anymore,I feel even uglier honestly,and I now think I look weird.I don't want this,but I can't afford to get anything else injected to get rid of it,the doc said it would last a year,its been two.If anyone has any suggestions,referals...anything...let me know.

Summation notation question?

By definition, sigma (i = 1 to n) of i = n(n+1)/2 but how and why does sigma (i = 1 to n-1) of i= n(n-1)/2 I don't understand what steps need to be taken in order to account for the nontraditional 1-n bounds.

Will an 85% average in COLLEGE get me into UBC, U of T, Waterloo?

Is the requirements less when graduating college rather than high school? Is an 85% average in the science program (calculus, mechanics, chem..) good enough to get me into sciences at one of the above universities? Thanks so much everyone! please be honest to:)

Is this one of Lexmark's ink scams?

I can tell you being a Former Kodak Printer owner Don't They are junk I had two in 2 years. Buy an hp

Should I accept my admission into Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan?

Japan is safe. Tokyo is safe. It is perfectly fine for you to go to Japan and you really should not avoid it because of the earthquake. There is nothing to worry about and all the foreigners "abandoning ship" with Japan is not helping their already-bad economy improve. And since I assume you will be going in the fall or at least summer (since you mentioned you have a few months left) everything will be returning very close to normal once again. As is, life in Tokyo already is pretty normal again.

Laptop up in FLAMES!!! can i get a replacement even out of warrannty?

Record a video of a simulation of what you saw, or try to turn it on and see if it catches fire, if it does e-mail the video and the message you wrote here to HP. Now they will probably and probably not listen. If they do not, send the message and video to a news company and tell them that it's a fire hazard and is unfit for being (living?) around and HP refuses to take it back. Try like CNN, they always need some good news.

Would a puppy still recognize you if u came back form a trip?

When my poodle was a puppy ( about 1 and a half months old) my boyfriend left for the military, he was gone for almost a year and she remembered him so I think It would be safe to say yes!

What do you think of this for my loft?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do you think that i will get into UBC?

I want to go into the psychology or sociology program. I have an 84% average and i have 100 volunteer hours. I know you obviously cant tell me for sure, but can you tell me if you think i will? Thanks! :)

External hard drive not working?

I hate to say it but Seagates are garbage. Take it back and get a WD Passport. Same price and better quality.

Can power surge change BIOS of a turned off computer?

I suspect that the power surge may have damaged your CMOS battery which could affect your settings in the CMOS setup. You need a UPS (uninterrupted power source) and I recommend an on-line model. There are many different types and models and the price between and on-line one and a good line interactive UPS is minimal to nothing so you might as well have the best protection possible. A simple surge protector will not protect you from things like a direct hit from lightning. An on-line UPS continuously monitors the AC power and protects you from everyday fluctuations in power. An On-Line UPS with a +/-2% output voltage regulation will protect you from all different types of power problems including, brown-outs, surges and other things. If the power goes out, it immediately switches to DC power and runs on the battery with no interruption in computer usage. You can choose to save what you are working on and shut down the computer or keep working for up to 4 or 5 hours with the On-Line model. Off-line UPS models give you around 20 minutes to save everything and shut down your equipment. You may not think that you need this type of protection for a home computer but one large surge in power such as a lightning strike can fry all of your stuff and continuous everyday power fluctuations can have bad long-term effects on your equipment too. I have provided a link below that will tell you about the different types of UPS models and it even has a tutorial provided to walk you through the details. Back to your original question I think that your hardware was damaged, probably your CMOS battery and yes to answer your question, buy an uninterpretable power supply. Make sure that it has enough ports to put everything through it, computers, printers, monitor and I know they used to come with a phone line input so if you have DSL make sure it has an input for that or if you have cable or satellite internet make sure there are inputs for that too. Hope this helps.


Don't worry and don't depression , god help to you because if your love is true, one day some body will come in front you. so love is great .

Why dosnt this java script work?

so im trying to drag a jpanel with an image in it. but i dont want it to just transfer data i want it to be able to be viewed while its moving im doing this by adding muse listeners and mouse motion listeners then i set a mouse event so that when its clicked on the object it sets a variable to true then another event says if thats true to get the x and y coordinates of the mouse then it sets two variables to those numbers those variables are then set as the bounds for that jpanel. then it repaints the object. so its giving me a bunch of errors and i dont know why. the code is to long for the question. if you need it to answer tell me. please help ive been up for 3 days trying to get this to work.

Need some help please?

I'm not sure what to do about you tearing your family apart, thats something you guys have to deal with and u jus have to accept your finiancial living. For the Allistair thing, you are probably confused since he is your first good friend, and at 13 your going through puberty hormones raging. But to really now you have to ask yourself a serious question. Do I like guys or girls, or both. Do u feel sexually attracted to allistair or emotionally? And you have to take in consideration whenever you see a pretty girl how do you feel. Do you feel nothing or sexual attraction. after analyzing this u should find your answer

My computer will not recognize a blank cd or dvd?

I have checked everything my computer will not recognize any blank CD or DVD i have checked in my computer files just to make sure it wasn't there and i was missing it but its not there either i was going to make a CD but my computer is not recognizing any CD i put into it i blank or not but blank CD is my problem at the moment i need to make a CD for a wedding anyone who could help i would really appreciate it

How do I get my boyfriend to be more adventurous?

just tell him your getting bored and you want to try new things. Or just walk in to the room already dressed up and start the skit. believe me.. if the outfit is sexy and you wear it right he will join in very soon

Format of list of courses currently in progress at university?

I'm a freshman applying for transferring to UBC next semester. And the school required me to arrange for a list of courses currently in progress to be sent to the office. Does that mean what I need to do is just to make a list of courses I'm taking without any description? If possible, could you please give me a formal format of the list. By the way, my current university doesn't allow to add the courses still in progress to the transcription. Thank you very much!

Ever walked through the whispering woods of timelessness and lay out before the sun and all of heaven alone?

Ever did you look to the stars in the spring night and recognize your smallness in the heavens? Ever did you walk into destiny as a hero or heroine, and the ground beneath you seem miles downward? Ever watch the fireflies dance around an oaktree at twilight? Ever pick fruit straight from a tree and sit in the shade to admire it's glory as you ate from it? Ever float down a river and let the currents carry you down stream as you dreamed of love? And have you ever been visited by the glorious creator in a dream and bowed down by instinct? If you have done these things, you have seen glory of what is, and you have dared dream of the glory which is to come.

Xbox doesn't recognize new (official) HDD after big screw up?

So basically, I tried to transfer my data from a 60GB HDD to a 120GB HDD. I already have a transfer cable(lost the CD) so what I did was I put the 60GB one in my xbox, and the 120GB one in my transfer cable to my xbox. The xbox asked me to configure the new device and I agreed. Then a clean data transfer followed and I thought it was done. But what turn out is that my xbox actually configured my 120GB HDD to a 16GB external HDD! When I plug the 120GB HDD in on the top, it won't recognize it. Can I fix this or should i contact microsoft?

Is the UBC golf course free? (Vancouver BC)?

A friend told me that he goes to the UBC Golf course in Vancouver and plays without paying. I couldn't find a lot of information on that... do you have to pay to golf at UBC?

Sketch the region bounded by the graphs of the equations?

You have to sketch this? It's three dimensional! The first equation is that of a sphere centered a the origin, of radius 2. The last equation represents the xy plane, so the first and third equations together represent the top half of a sphere. The second equation is that of a plane intersecting the zy plane in the line z = .5y, thus slicing part of the top half of the sphere. Good luck with the drawing though. There are several freeware graphing utilities that can do this for you. Search freeware graphers, or, if you have a mac, just use the grapher that comes with it.

Very hot head and neck with cold sweats?

Hi, I'm a 43 yr old woman and I keep getting these strange sensations in my head and neck. It feels as if my head is in an oven, the heat seems to work its way from the back of my neck then all over my head and face. I then break out in a cold, dripping sweat on my forehead, face and back of neck. It only lasts a few minutes but it can happen several times a day, no matter where I am or what I'm doing. Someone has mentioned pre-menopause but I don't know if this is a recognised symptom or if it could be something else altogether. I would be grateful for any and all advice given. Best wishes, Sharon.

Which college football game was it?

There was this college football game, I think it was from the recent season. The quarterback was trying to throw the ball away by throwing it out of bounds, but then a defensive back jumped out of bounds and tossed it back to another teammate of his. Which game was it?

Question regarding Hospital bills.?

Check your car insurance. Read the conditions carefully, especially all those Exceptions in the policy. If you were not under the influence of alcohol, and there is no police record to establish this, and there was an accident police report etc the insurance policy should cover the repair of your car, any accidental injuries to you and passengers etc. The insurance company may opt to settle these directly with the hospital, or can ask you to settle and claim in it them. Some "Excess" will apply i.e., you may have to pay a certain amount yourself, and the insurance company will pay you the balance.

Is this a good idea? for plans after high school?

I honestly wouldn't count yourself out for SFU Health Science, you still have a decent chance of getting in. Rarely schools cancel your offer of admission unless there is a large drop in performance. You also have the opportunity to bring your grades up again by the end of the courses as schools typically give final admission based on final grades, so study hard and possibly wait until July or August to know for sure if you will not be getting admission.

Need LiveCD with foolproof Internet Connection Sharing. Please read more....?

I have a laptop with no hard drive therefore using a LiveCD is a must. I have been fooling around with Linux distros (Puppy, SLAX, etc) and Windows XP Pro SP3 Live. I get the closest using SLAX because it will recognize my Netgear WG111 wireless and adapter and even displays excellent linkage/signal. Now, the part I am having the problem with is sharing a connection with the rest of my network. I don't care what type/brand/version of LiveCD it is and would even build a custom CD using something like WinBuilder. I just need ICS sharing like I am accustom to as with Windows XP in which after I install the hardware all I need to do is either use a wizard or manually change an IP address. I have even thought of using XP Pro SP3 Live with a portable ICS software on a thumb drive. Any help would be appreciated and please allow me to reply back to you if necessary.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How do these titles help Russian actors today?

so far as i know, those titles can raise an actor's salary significantly. (especially it concerns theatrical actors) . dont quote me on that though. mostly those are just the titles of honour and tv presenters or magazine aticles writers for example just add that title to an actor's name - just the way they do with the academy award or grammy winners or nominees.

What would a president Rick Perry do to address the following issues?

Every one of these issues is just a symptom of a great disease - lack of confidence by Americans in American exceptionalism. Rick Perry can restore that and by doing so, the American people, not government, will solve these problems.

UBC arts Linguistics/psychology or SFU arts Linguistics/psychology, which one has more writing involved?

The question says it all. I live in Canada all my life but my writing skills suck! In high school I got a 65% in English 12 but got an average of 90% in all my other classes. So I am not a slacker nor stupid, it's just writing that I can't do. So SFU or UBC, which university requires you to be a "writer"? All answers are thankful but no "rumors" or "I heard that..." or (especially) "I think you should go to a college" replies please, thank-you.

10 POINTS: Grade A Maths: Upper + Lower Bounds help!?

i don't really know if this helps, but the 'area' you have been given is in cm^3 which would make it a volume, meaning to find the shortest sides you would have to find the cubed root

Question About University Admissions?

Hello. I would like to thank you in advance for your help. I will be applying to a Canadian university next year and one thing has puzzled me. The university which I am talking about is UBC. According to their site their admissions average is calculated using your grade 12 English grade, as well as Maths, and two other courses. For me I believe that it will be Bio and Chem. If university admission replies are sent out before the end of the year, how do they get the marks for second semester classes which are not finished? Do they simply take the current mark? Thanks again.

How can I find out if my home is to code?

Your apartment does NOT have to be up to current code. It has to be up to code for the year it was built. You need to find out construction year and research the codes for that year.

How long are 60 credits at UBC?

each class is three credits, so that would be 20 classes, which would ordinarily take 4 full semesters, or 2 full years.

UBC versus UofOttawa?

Both top schools. The winter weather is a lot less crummy in Vancouver. In your case, you can save a lot of money going to UBC. Can your GF move to Vancouver?

How are my chances of getting into McGill?

I am a junior in the US with Dual citizenship. I have a 4.0 unweighted and 4.2 weighted (so far). I am taking 2 AP classes this year and 4 APs my senior year. I have taken SAT once so far and got a high 1700. I really want to attend McGill or UBC or U of T. How are my chances?

Need LiveCD with foolproof Internet Connection Sharing. Please read more....?

I have a laptop with no hard drive therefore using a LiveCD is a must. I have been fooling around with Linux distros (Puppy, SLAX, etc) and Windows XP Pro SP3 Live. I get the closest using SLAX because it will recognize my Netgear WG111 wireless and adapter and even displays excellent linkage/signal. Now, the part I am having the problem with is sharing a connection with the rest of my network. I don't care what type/brand/version of LiveCD it is and would even build a custom CD using something like WinBuilder. I just need ICS sharing like I am accustom to as with Windows XP in which after I install the hardware all I need to do is either use a wizard or manually change an IP address. I have even thought of using XP Pro SP3 Live with a portable ICS software on a thumb drive. Any help would be appreciated and please allow me to reply back to you if necessary.

Rollercoasters and Epilepsy?

My bestfriend has Epilepsy. She has only had 2 seizures , one in February and one in May. (Both in her sleep and both were tonic clonic seizures) The first one, was brought on by stress (from Bullying) and the second was from her botox. For her CP. She is on the highest dose of the medication , and it has worked very well. The doctors said they don't see why not but is it a high risk.? We plan to go to Canada's Wonderland and she went on a spin ride like the Scambler(From Centerville or any typical fair ride) the other day and was fine. Also, I know that Thunder Run is out of the question...due to the lights but is there anyothers that may pose a danger? Possibly that spin fast enough for the eyes not to recognize people or objects, because it may send light like signals? Thanks for your help in advance.

WTF UBC requirements. I dont understand them. Can someone please explain?

BTW, I would add that although the GENERAL admission average required is 67%, in practice you won't get in with that, at least not into science or engineering. My son needed 89% in Sciences to get in. The school has among the highest standards in Canada.

How to get an attorney disbarred in Illinois?

About 5 months ago I hired an attorney who seems to have broken every law in the book. I wouldn't of hired her if she had started off that way, but she charged me 5000 flat fee and that was supposed to cover all the "basics" to start off the case. Sure she put in her own terms, and this turned out to be the most dangerous part as they weren't spelled out. It just stated "following (the attorney's terms). One thing that she wanted me to do was hire a private investigator who charged 100/hour and she already knew better that I didn't have much $ to begin with. Not just that but said investigator was to "play the part of federal agents" to gather evidence and testimony related to the case. Then she wanted to leap a few bounds and take the case to Washington which added additional fees. She insulted my profession, which is accountant saying that "all accountants are the black holes of the business world. they are worthless" Furthermore when I explained the case over and over again she stated she understood when her actions stated otherwise. One day she finally decided to give up and withdraw from the case. Stated that it was cause I didn't show up to a meeting with her, but truth be known, that was a real busy week for me at work and I had told her so many times. I don't think that I needed her as a lawyer since I look better defending myself (as opposed to having her) Thing is she made me go thru turmoil, made me have a very unpleasant Christmas and New Years, didn't do anything and ran off with 5000. I never paid her for anything else as I have better judgement. But for this that she did she deserves to be punished

Could i take electronic engineering with only igcse?

will igcse be enough or would i have to do ib, ill start doing lots of math and physics over the summer but would i get accepted if my grades were mainly b`s, i was thinking of doing it at ubc

Would you please criticise my post?

I agree. Your post sounds fine to me. Some people are just thumbs down happy just ignore them everyone is entitled to their opinion. What annoys me is some people give thumbs down just for answering a question like what your personality is or something ridiculous like that. I mean how the **** would they know?

Anyone living in Vancouver could help?

Taking twice as long to do the return trip mirrors my experience with the Vancouver bus system. I used to take night classes at Langara and it took me half an hour to get there, and hour and 15 to get home. What's happening is that the connections work out great one way, not so great the other way. On the way there, your connecting bus comes along right away. On the way back, you just missed one and have to wait for another. There might not be much you can do about it, or try some of these things. Check the maps and schedules for all buses leaving UBC. Find one that gets you to Granville. Then you can take any bus heading south on Granville as long as it stops close enough to where you need to get off. So don't get on the express bus to Richmond. You're lucky to live where you do. You have a few choices of bus routes.

I need help with scary stories.?

Ok i need some new really really scary stories. Also i was reading this one story once and it was about a woman and a man how went on vacation ad she went missing and they could not find her and he went to a circuses a few years later and he went it to one of those places were they have the weird stuff and he saw this women she had no arms or legs and her eyes and mouth were sowed shut and he recognized it because of a birthmark on her face dose anyone know the name of this story.

Which School To Go To?

Hey guys i'm a high school student just finishing up my 4th year just outside of Toronto and got accepted to The University of Toronto (Mississauga) for Commerce and UBC (Okanagan)for Bachelor of Management. I was wondering what your opinions are on which i should go to. The expenses for UBC aren't an issue but i would stay in residence for either schools the first year. Which degree do you think would give me more flexibility/higher salary in the business environment? thanks a bunch

Need help finding eminem song?

Only part I remember hearing is u make my something go doing doing doing, can't find the song, anyone recognize that part?

What genre is the band "State Radio"?

In wikipedia it says their genre is post-alternative, punk rock, with a blend of Roots-Reggae, Ska, Punk and Rock...therefore are they considered a reggae band? Or recognized for playing reggae music?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Which university is better for law mcgill or ubc?

I already boiled it down to 2 universities in canada and more in the US so i basically wants to know the best law school in Canada

Have you noticed "Wilding" in your neighbourhood? Massive shoplifting, muggings, home invasions and theft like?

The local news just showed video of a bunch of black kids storming a store and stealing anything they could carry, but the "news" readers didn't dare point out the obvious and say they were all black. God forbid they would report real news that might help catch criminals. That would be rude!

I saw a series of movies a while ago on syfy but I can't really remember much of the plot or the name.?

It was about zombies I think or aliens but I do remember the main male character is an older guy and the main female characterr has a red streak in her hair and is young and in love with the ^ older guy but he tells her shes too young at the end he leaves. Then in the 2nd movie he comes back and shes older and at 1st doesn't recognize him. Then she does and they save the world.

Is Judaism and Christianity really polytheistic?

"God the father", Jesus the son, the holy ghost, Satan, a host of "demons" and "angels" sure sounds polytheistic to me.

If EBT cards (food Stamps) could only purchase "healthy" foods, would that give Nabisco an incentive?

Not to pick on Nabisco or General Mills, but if EBT could only buy food without HFCS and many other things, wouldn't these companies need to produce products that are within these bounds? Because I am pretty sure that if it were not for EBT, all the grocery items would have a hard time selling.

What if the prerequisites of the grad program I want to get into are not offered at my undergrad university?

I'm not totally familiar with the Canadian system so I can't say for sure, but I doubt any program would be all that inclined to accept someone who didn't have ANY of the program prerequisites. I would suggest a different undergrad program or a different grad program.

How can i talk to him?

there is this boy that lives in my neighborhood. we r both 13.i really like him hes really cute! i am friends with him on facebook and we have talked once or twice. i told him i live in his neighborhood. we have seen eachother a lot but never talked or anything. today i went for a bike ride and passed his house. he was outside and looked at me and we both smiled. i want to know him before october when we make confirmation together so he recognizes me. how can i talk to him and when? thanks so much!

Please help with calc 2 integration problem, THANKS?

Hi, How do you approximate the area of the region in the first quadrant bounded by the function f(x)= (4-x)/x, the x-axis, and x=1. It asked us to use the calculator but we know that x can't equal to zero, and we don't know how to figure out the lower bound. any hints and help is greatly appreciated. Also, it is a review question that is not grades, therefore, i am not cheating.

Anyone remember know this song?

So I just came across some old Korean songs I listened to as a kid and I remembered one other song I wanted to see again. I can't exactly remember the whole thing, but I remember it's a Korean song for sure. And the MV was about a pair of twin sisters that loved the same guy. And the guy was in love with the 'nice' sister. And the other sister was jealous and went to meet the guy as her sister, b/c she killed her sister or something. And the guy couldn't tell the difference and he didn't know his girlfriend had died. That's about as much as I can remember. But there was a fire or wreckage in there somewhere. So if anyone can recognize this song and tell me, thanks a lot. Btw, I was listening to the song a lot when I was probably about....7-10 years old. I'm 16 now.

Why don't some people like gender recognition certificates?

I have a hearing for one this month and I'm pretty excited but when I have told friends and family they seem to get pretty annoyed. Being legally recognised as a female is a big deal for me but isn't it a small thing in comparison to the other changes that I have made?

Wrote this, any suggestions?

Its very detailed. I like it. I dont know the whole story but from what i can see, you are a good writer.

Smoking discrimination?

My employer has been telling me that if he knew i smoked cigarettes, he would not have hired me. Other imployess where i work smoke, is he out of bounds?

Good areas to live in in Vancouver for UBC students?

I'm going to be moving with my parents to Vancouver soon, but once I graduate high school I'm going to get married to my long-time boyfriend and we want to live on our own while attending UBC. What neighborhoods that aren't too expensive, or neighborhoods that aren't very expensive that you can quickly get to the university by SkyTrain or whatever, are there near UBC? We will have a limited income, since we are not going to be working full-time. Thanks!

Can I change my major after I applied and got accepted ?

I've applied to UBC ( Canada ) for bachlor of science , but what i really wanted to apply in was bachlor of applied science , no , that i've got applied , can I change my major ? ( my first major is Computer Engineering )

Should Europe Come Together to Form a "Super Country"?

No. European countries are already well off having a European Union. Having similar laws and having the same currency is in my opinion good enough. If Europe decided to be a super country, then the culture and history of each country will lose it's value.

If you dream about someone a lot, does that mean they are thinking about you?

theres this guy in my grade.. and i havent talked to him since school ended and i also havent seen him since then.. actually i saw him walk out of Cumberland Farms with his brother when i pulled up.. but even before that i have dreamt of him during the night for like a week!! idk i guess i might like him, but we havent really talked since 8th grade when we had study hall together (im in 10th). anyways im not sure if he saw me at Cumbys, he looked in my car but i had sunglasses on so he might not of recognized me. So do you think its possibly that he could have been thinking about me to. and i know that whole thing about dreams that if you think of them during the day that your brain is just remembering everything you thought about during the day.. well i dont think of him during the day. the only time i have thought of him is when i saw him at Cumbys. so is it possibly he could be thinking of me too? i mean this has been going on for a week. and my dream last night he was at my house with his brother at a party. sooo..yea. some of my dreams have been of us really talking and connecting.

Help me find a Vancouver cooking class?

check with the Vancouver School Board night school and adult education courses. Or go to the Overwaitea food store in North Vancouver near the 2nd narrows bridge and buy my cookbook Ocean Plaits and Grizzly Bait. Call them first to see if they have any copies left.

How can people deal with stress/depression from overload of work? when should they recognize when too much is?

how can people deal with stress/depression from overload of work? when should they recognize when too much is too much?

How can i talk to him?

there is this boy that lives in my neighborhood. i really like him hes really cute! i am friends with him on facebook and we have talked once or twice. i told him i live in his neighborhood. we have seen eachother a lot but never talked or anything. today i went for a bike ride and passed his house. he was outside and looked at me and we both smiled. i want to know him before october when we make confirmation together so he recognizes me. how can i talk to him and when? thanks so much!

Do you consider Cheerleading a sport?

Everyone always asks me what sport I'm in. My reply is cheerleading. And you know what their response is? Cheerleadings not a sport! I'd like to know if you guys think it is a sport, or not a sport. I'd also like you to tell my why you think what you think. It bothers me how people don't recognize it as a sport. We work just as hard as the football players, baseball players, wrestlers. etc. They lift weights, we lift PEOPLE!!! Cheerleading is indeed, a sport!

Cant find a quality DVD burning software?

yeah you have to convert it. mpeg2 is the standard for dvd i think. i have a program that converts it to dvd format i forgot what its called.

My boyfriend is overprotective lately...?

My boyfriend and I both live in a big city. He has a career in law enforcement. He's gotten a promotion and was put in the Special Victims Unit. So, he sees a lot of rape victims and things like that all the time and before he didn't really worry about me too much. But now he like insists on walking me home all the time and I used to just walk home alone. Or if I walk home from a party or something with a roomate, he'll insist I text him as soon as I get home. One time I forgot because I was really tired and he came to my house! Also, I'm a local journalist so sometimes guys will recognize me and be like, "Haven't I seen you before?" And now he gets really mad when they do that. I do see his point a TINY bit because I am a young woman living in a big city and I used to walk home by myself at like 3 a. m all the time. Is this bad behavior. Do you think he is wrong for being so overprotective or is it understandable. Regardless, it makes me uncomfortable and I've tried to tell him to lay off but he doesn't really get it. What should I do? How do I convince him to relax? Do you think he should look into another unit because I think this job is starting to really mess with his head.

What people are in this a day to remember music video?

Actually it wasnt Craig mabbit it was Pete wentz which is stupid they should have put mabbit since Pete wentz has nothin to do with the genre. And it was BMTH. There was tdwp seven star august burns red comeback kid. Sam carter from Architects. your demise. Vic Fuentes at 3 am on a pay phone(like jeremy McKinnon was in pierce the veils caraphenalia video). Trivium.. And more. But it's weird a lot of people didn't recognize TDWP but they were hard to miss cause they showed the whole band, mike and James baney up close too

Find the upper and lower bounds for the following polynomials.?

There is neither an upper nor a lower bound for both of these polynomials. Just look at the graph of any cubic function (ax^3+bx^2+cx+d).

Does grade 10 count in school?

Hey. I want to go to UBC(university of Bristish Columbia) after I graduate. My average grade is 5As and 3Bs. Is that good enough or do I need to start working harder in grade 11 and 12?

Does anyone recognize the shoe brand whose logo is a black circle with the letters "L-O-V-E" inside?

The shoes my wife has are black mary jane style chinese slippers. She loves this particular pair but can't find the brand. Originally purchased at DSW. Please help.

Should I accept my admission into Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan?

Japan is safe. Tokyo is safe. It is perfectly fine for you to go to Japan and you really should not avoid it because of the earthquake. There is nothing to worry about and all the foreigners "abandoning ship" with Japan is not helping their already-bad economy improve. And since I assume you will be going in the fall or at least summer (since you mentioned you have a few months left) everything will be returning very close to normal once again. As is, life in Tokyo already is pretty normal again.

What are the chances of getting into UBC with these marks?

I am graduating this year from a 3 year college science program that includes physics, calculus 1 2 , chem, bio, phil, etc. I am probably going to finish with an 84. with that, what are the chances of getting into UBC?

I am locked out from my yahoo email on my mobile although I can log in on a computer. Suggestions?

The other day my android stopped retrieving my emails and wasn't recognizing my password. I logged onto my computer and it said that yahoo suspects that my account was compromised and to change my password. I did that but I still can get the emails on my phone. At one point I got an error message saying that the device is locked out because of too many failed attempts. How can I fix this?

Not Good Enough..... (10 POINTS)?

I feel like im not good enough for anything. I try and try and try to be the best of my abilities. But here is the thing: My sister is like THE center of attention. My parents always recognize her, always brag about her to all their friends, let her do whatever she wants, gets her whatever she wants. She is a total show off, constantly showing here newest gymnastics trick. Whenever she wants something, the first spare moments my dad has he goes and buys it for her. Even MY FRIENDS like her better! My friends oldest sister (she is 16) comes to my house to hang with my sister (she's 10) so she could teach her a new trick. IM SICK OF THIS. MAYBE IF I COMMITED SUICIDE THINGS WOULD BE BETTER. Why is this happening to me? The only good thing about me is that I get good grades, but that's nothing cool. My friends always get the hottest guys. I liked this one guy (I still like him) for 7 months. Turns out he liked my best friend. They all have had boyfriends but me. I'm not good enough. I never was, never will be. Why is this happening to me? What is wrong with me? Thinking about cutting myself, or stop keeping myself looks imaculant because it's not like it matters.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What Chinese religion says that a nearby Hospice brings bad luck to attaining fortunes?

Fear of ghosts spawns protest against UBC hospice........This is taking place right now where game 2 of Stanley's Cup is tomorrow...But what Chinese religion is this belief associated with..? The Hospice is being built next to $1 million Condos all owned by Chinese who speak hardly any english...

Is it normal for me to feel this way?

Its perfectly normal to feel jealous of your siblings, its the way thing are. But you are obviously very bright, with the studies you are doing, and you will come into your own, in your own time. It may feel like all the attention is on your sister, but i bet she feels a bit like that about you. Dont worry about these feelings they are perfectly natural. You just concentrate on what our doing, and be happy with what you have accomplished!:)

Show that a subsequence converges?

Please define s more clearly. I cannot understand what s is supposed to be. The way you currently have it defined, s is a set. Therefore, there is no possible way for s to not exist. Unless, of course, you clarify what s is supposed to be.

University advice about grades?

Im just curious about Uni at the minute I'm 26 and thinking about Uni but if i went i wouldnt want an easy option i want a course that would be something I'm interested in but something i can also get a good job at the end of, the problem is my GCSE grades arn''t that good (i never excelled myself at school and i dont really want to say my grades but i have 10 gcse's) and with college i picked a course i wasnt passionate about and i was very shy and timid and had very bad agoraphobia at the time and college suffered for it and i barely passed. Ive come on leaps and bounds though now confidence has grown and i'm learning how to manage the anxiety and panic attacks but because of my poor grades people think I'm not that bright, anyway i can do something that would help me get onto a good course at uni, would doing open university short courses for points help me? also since college ive done a few other things including a NVQ but I have no idea where my qualifications have been put.

Does anyone else not like many things about living in todays society?

You can thank Jewish organizations like the Anti-Defamation League and B'nai B'rith International for saddling the citizens of the world with hate crime laws no matter where in the world you live.

What author opened the eyes of the black americans to recognize their rights in society?

just my homework in Philippine Literature. Sorry if you can't understand it much I used google translator. Should I used which or who?*

Can I get into a good US medical school?

You have the best chance and especially you are from Canada and university of British Columbia is well known and recognized by Education councils of US and student from Canada is given prime importance compared to student come from other countries . The way you have narrated your subjects and details of it - its evident that you know your area best and shall perform best even in interviews and for study too which is comparatively easy

How old would you want to live to, if you could chose any age in the world?

it doesn't have to be within the bounds of a normal human life span, you can chose 2 seconds or 2 trillion years

Installing Ipod touch 4g but get "Access Denied"?

I have NOT slept trying to get my Computer (windows 7 ultimate) to recognize my ipod. i have full permissions & im the administrator and yet every time my computer is looking for the driver it finds it BUT can not install it because of "ACCESS DENIED" >_____


Well my girlfriend of two years left me last October and it hit me hard. I'm a pretty sensitive Guy btw, and really shy and love music. But I was sober from heartbreak about 4 or 5 months after but since its summer it's coming back again. I've stayed true to myself and she's told me lies since the second she broke up with me. Idk I'm really proud of sticking to myself. But when u get ur heart back after giving it away u don't recognize it and u go thru stages of repair I guess. I've gotten a lot better at guitar and want to be like john Mayer or play with him one day. Its kind of odd that before we went out I said I would be a famous musician like him and since she left me my guitar has always been there. Idk I guess I just miss her a little again and get reminiscent about memories of her. Wat can I do to get myself on track. I know its lame to ask on yahooanswers. But if u think I sound cute I have pics on my yahoo pulse page just click my. And yes my hair is different now. Thanks for reading. Btw I'm 16.

I would like to move pictures from my computer to my Kin TwoM?

I moved A LOT of music from my computer to my kin and in doing so, it moved some pictures from the kin to the computer. i would like to move them back (and add a few). i have the USB and everything, zune recognizes it and everything, but when i go to "my computer" i cant find the device. please help?

Was the bible made for foreign affairs?

Acts 17:26 Paul applied this principal when speaking to the Greeks on Mars Hill in Athens when he said: "And hath made of ONE BLOOD all nations of MEN for to dwell on all the fact of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation..." The 'of one blood' refers to the common descent mentioned above, and is consistent with the findings of modern genetics that every people group on the earth have basically the same genetic characteristics as every other.

UBC arts or SFU science?

Is it easier to go to UBC arts and transfer to their science faculty or start off at SFU sciences and then transfer to UBC sciences?

What happens in volleyball when the ball hits a person that is standing out of bounds?

The ball is going to go out of bounds but the ball strikes the player in the chest area before hitting the ball but the player was standind out of the boundary line. There was no intent on hitting the ball back over the net and it was accidental.

If you have just scored the pubal scalp of a royal what is the etiquette concerning bragging about it?

I was in London last week and managed to put a leg over a royal female who was hooting with lust for my blonde locks. I slipped her some camomile tea and she fell asleep and I called several of my friends to boast that this high level royal was snoring on my bed and how I had banged her real good. Is this within the bounds of noble etiquette or have I behaved as would a beast?

Why do awful bully type people always target me?

Okay, i havent been bullied to the point of becoming suicidal, but I have found that the people with insecurities, people who like to put others down, etc. basically UGLY people, who (IMPORTANT PART) who usually tolerate everyone else with ease and at least act FAKE NICE to them, why do they always target me instead of treating me at least "Fake nice"?? I know I am a very nice person, but what can I do to recognize these types of people and to push them away? I want to know because I am sure I will meet these sort of insecure ugly people a lot especially when I start working (aka real life).

Does anyone know what this movie is called about a company?

I watched this movie quite a while ago and don't remember the names of any actors. I do know however that the movie is about a group of ambitious men who start to work in a company. They have to call people and try to sell insurances I believe, but somehow get crazy rich. Obviously they are scamming the people and the movie comes to its climax where one of the main characters is directly scamming one of the people he got to know. I also remember them trying to sell things over the phone. Mentioning this guidebook on how to convince callers who are in doubt and how to recognize callers who will end up saying no anyways. Can anyone help me or does anyone know what movie this is!?!

Will university accept if I get home schooled by K12?

You seriously should be looking it up on their website or contact the admissions office to see what policies they have about accepting homeschoolers.

Are there people in R&S that you automatically thumb down when you see their answered?

Absolutely not. There is one person, for example, who is not a threat, but simply annoys the bejesus out of me, so I have her blocked. I often thumb down her answers. But once in a while she says something amusing or helpful and I give her a thumb up.

How did you like Comrade Obama's latest group for demonization, the "corporate jet owners"?

Yesterday an angry and defiant Comrade O signaled that he's digging in on his welfare state utopia, even coming up with a new group to demonize, namely the "corporate jet owner". Do you agree with Comrade O that everyone who flies in a corporate jet is a fat cat who is just doing it for fun, or do you think there might actually be some good reasons for flying in one (time, security, avoiding the TSA hassle factor, etc.). Finally, do you think it's a bit out of bounds for a guy who shuttles around in a luxurious, fuel-guzzling 747 paid for by taxpayers to call out corporate execs flying in a G5 who have to justify the cost to their shareholders?

Diveregence theorom help?

Let F(x,y,z)=(2x-y)i-(2y-z)j+zk and let S be the surface bounded by the plane 2x+3y+2z=12 and the coordinates planes. Verify the Divergence Theorem by evaluating as a surface integral and as a triple integral.

Why am i still thinking about my ex 4 years after?

Why are you still thinking about your ex? Try this one, you're in love, hun. Try looking for her and tell her. Love's a crazy thing but you'll never forget it and won't be satisfied until you get closure, one way or another.

How are gays trying to force their lifestyle "down the throats" of straight people?

Conservatives, let me get this straight, you think having the state recognize homosexual relationships as legitimate as heterosexual relationships is basically homosexuals forcing their lifestyle down your throat? I don't get it. If you don't like homosexuals, fine. Just don't try to enforce your views on everyone else via the government.

Is Queen's University first year science really hard?

understand concepts. strong foundation will make it easier. if u dont it, its gonna be tough. queens didnt up their level. remain status quo. all uni r about the same

Computer won't recognize anything I plug into USB ports.?

My wireless mouse works, but when I try to plug my iPod Touch or both of my USB Drives in the same port as my mouse and all others, the computer won't detect it! When I go to my computer I can't see any of the ports like I normally would (like (d:) or something like that). Help!

Psychology and Journalism?

First of all I am referring to Canada and most specifically the University of British Columbia. I am currently completing my Bachelor's Degree (at a different university) in Psychology. I am interested in Journalism. UBC offers a Master's degree. They have a list of "Related Programs" which are some Bachelor's degrees that go along with the Master's degree. I am just wondering if anyone thinks Psychology would go along well with Journalism or if not what Bachelor's degree would go the BEST with Journalism.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Will you read my poem (03), if you must?

You are writing an epic novel, are you not? Construction and translation well done. 16th century allusion well exalted.

What is the best way to interpret this chart of the value of the US dollar?

a href="*&fd=1&fm=1&fy=1990&ld=31&lm=12&ly=2020&y=daily&q=volume&f=png&a=lin&m=0&x=" rel="nofollow"…/a

Ubc admission to third year?

The accurate answer must come form UBC but, as far as I know you would go on to the next year when you acquired enough credits . A mitigating circumstance might be the need for specific subjects to advance./

Stuck in a dream knowing it's a dream but being unable to break out or control it.?

That's pretty much it. I was in my entrance hall at first I there was a person in a house from bottom to waist naked facing backwards, I was like ‘dat ***’ and next moment I thought I woke up but instead I was laying in bed, then I realized that I was hugging someone and it happened to be the same female. I was trying to move away, but couldn’t, i felt extremely tired, although I thought I didn’t want to but it wasn’t the case, I was just unable to move, but I got few punches in the balls to move in a joking manner, even I laughed at it thinking that it’s fair, but whenever I tried to move away, my limbs wouldn’t listen, thinking I am just unwilling, then I woke up thinking that I dreamed but realized that it wasn't, because something from the dream was in 'real life', then I woke up, looked at time and it was 2:46 am (around the time I went to sleep, but I woke up 8 hours later and went to the kitchen for some drink and went back to sleep, but in a dream i didn't remember this situation) and listened to You're beautiful playing through my headphones and then heard someone play and sing it outside the window, I thought they were too loud and someone heard it and mockingly sang it (as in real life I also use them as speakers, lol at gaming headphones), at first I refused to check it out, but then I realized that he sounded pretty good so I peaked outside and I saw a one-man orchestra (at first i wrote equestria O.o), I was amazed so I wanted to show it to someone and ran to my mum (17, living only with mum currently, but not for long), I ran out of my room and then i screamed ( i felt weird because it sounded like female shriek in first split second) because I thought I saw a person from my first dream at first, trying to check whether it was real I looked around my mother's room (although i was 2 meters away) and saw huge rainbow plush pony on a wall and room in beige color, I thought it was real life (although that isn't at all how my mother's room look like, although she has huge bear plush) I came closer and realized (lol, a lot of realizations) that it was my mother's friend, when I had better view of her room I also saw another person who I recognized as an aunt from another country, then they swapped places (i didn't saw that glitch) and they were seating on something like but not solid, made of leather and color matching the walls, they were seating there watching a movie on a huge tv I though my mum always had in a room (she hasn't got anything of these things in her room) and my aunt explained me that she was visiting, I thought that she was the person from my first dream, though i thought that i messed something up and confused blended my dream with reality and that's why i though there was a half naked woman visiting instead, then I remembered the orchestra man and told them to follow me, i could hear them behind as i ran, opened the curtains (i did so before, but i didn't remember that back then) and he was gone, i thought he just left and i stared outside for a while. Then it hit me, I was living on a ground floor and for some reason i could see the area as if i was on a first floor instead, the snow was also melting and before it wasn't, but then I also remembered that in real life there's no snow (although at first i explained this to myself as nature's joke to make it snow at the beginning of july) and that it's 2:46 am but it's bright already, i then realized that i've been dreaming the whole time. Then i realised that the room is dark yet it's bright and that it wasn't anything like my room, i also realized that my mother's room was also different. I was trying to wake up, shouting, at first thinking i might be slightly loony, but i forced myself to check it out and just in case someone will wake up and get me back down. I shouted and screamed, at first i thought i was in a coma which could explain why i couldn't wake up, i shouted stuff like "WAKE UP!", some of my screams made funny noises, i though they sounded like noises a dinosaur would make. then the scenery changed, the background was colors of a sunset, but that's all i remember about it, and i had a rope around my neck, standing on a gallow about to be hang, i was looking at the situation in third person, unaware of this, and tried to somehow wake up. then some things started to pop on the bottom of my vision (if anyone played any newgrounds games that had ach and earned it, that's how it looked like), i pressed at it with a mouse (i was unaware of that, still thinking i'm about to get hang). there was one more thing i don't remember after this, or i think so at least, and then i really woke up. after a while of laying in bed i felt as, imagine that mind is spread all over the body like a soul, if my entire mind was being pull

Somebody please help me with my dog!?

His name is Tanner and unless I find another good loving home for him by monday, he's going to be put to sleep. He was a rescue dog and was abused and not socialized when he was young. He's an 11 month old Anatolian shepherd. He is fear aggressive and very protective of me, im his gal! Long story short, he ended up biting someone (not bad, the guy only needed two stitches) and now, unless I find a home for him by monday, he has to be put down. Please, I love him so much. no rescue group or sanctuary is taking him because it was an unprovoked bite. He let go right when he bit though and sat down. he's not a mean or vicious dog, he's young and scared. Since i got him 4 months ago, he has come leaps and bounds and has made tramendous progress in his basic trainging and on his fear problems. Please, help him! He is now declared a potentialy dangerous dog, so there is a registration fee that I WILL PAY if someone can take him. My landlord wont let me have him at my home and I don't have the time for him. I live in county but I work in the city and I would have to pay reistration fees for both. I can't keep him although I would love too, I've tried dogtown, cesar, and about 100 other places. No one is taking him. PLEASE HELP! I live in WA on the olympic peninsula but I would be willing to partialy reimburse someone if they live out of town or state.

Do you think I can get into the UBC engineering program?

I know the competition this year is VERY high so I'm really worried... I have my 4 courses including the 2 sciences so I'm set there (English, Math, Physics and Chemistry). However, my average is only 87 percent exact. I know the cutoff line is 80 percent, but it still worries me that I might now get in... So does it seem possible that I can get in with 87 percent?

Difference between computer engineering and computer science?

I got admitted into UBC for bachelor of applied science. I really enjoy working with hardwares, thats why I want to take computer engineering as my major. Do I have to know programming to study computer engineering? I dont have any prior knowledge on programming in PC. Should I select electrical engineering as my major instead?

UBC requirements. I dont understand them. Can someone please explain?

Ask the counselor at school. But I expect that you need 67% for grades 10, 11 and 12. However if this is even an issue, you will likely not get in. Generally they can fill all the positions with students that did better than 80%. Make sure you also apply at SFU and Kwantlen

So i want to major in interior design and architecture?

Wherever you go to school for interior design, you should make sure the interior design program is accredited by CIDA (Council of Interior Design Education). This is important. I know a great interior design school in Southern California called Design Institute of San Diego. You should check them out. For a full list of CIDA accredited interior design program go to their website at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What should I do with this guy? (Please help!!!)?

You do realize that if it works out you'll be already in College by the time he's a junior...just saying

How to get over an ex? can you love someone that you are affraid of? you need to find someone that treats you right and doesn't make you affraid. I think you can still befriend him, but since you are aware of his tricks you cn protect yourself from his mind games. Your just as smart, you can take back control of your mind

Does UBC has a bacheor's in business administration ? plz help! 10 points..?

Yes it does, it's a subset under the Commerce program called General Business Management, it flows into the Master of Business Administration program.

Hey is this any good? Proofread please? :)?

it is great i love how u started the begginging and whoa! 12 siblings (not saying u should change it but i can barely handle 2) oh and i dont know why i like it so much but i love the name arrow!

What should I do with this guy? (Please help!!!)?

No you didn't scare him away! He's probably really nervous and doesnt know what to say. Plus your older so there's more pressure on him to impress you!

My 9 week old puggle puppy ate/ swallowed a small thigh bone on a chicken.?

Relax,these things your dog closely for the next day or so.For the most part, I think, the bones go through them and out the other side,no harm done.If your baby starts acting strange or seems uncomfortable take her to the vet.My dog has gotten a few chicken bones over the years and shes still kickin.I saw a dog once at the vets who had a bone caught up in him,he kept straining like he wanted to poo but nothing happened...he had surgery to remove it ,it was a rib bone.Once bones are cooked they become brittle,and break off in sharp pieces....I hope everything comes out OK...:-)

UBC arts Linguistics/psychology or SFU arts Linguistics/psychology, which one has more writing involved?

The question says it all. I live in Canada all my life but my writing skills suck! In high school I got a 65% in English 12 but got an average of 90% in all my other classes. So I am not a slacker nor stupid, it's just writing that I can't do. So SFU or UBC, which university requires you to be a "writer"? All answers are thankful but no "rumors" or "I heard that..." or (especially) "I think you should go to a college" replies please, thank-you.

Can you change your degree at UBC?

Like I got admitted into the Bachelor of Arts program, but what If I wanted to switch to marketing with the bachelor of commerce, would I be able to do that? Are there certain guidelines?


i don't think you should change. you will meet your soulmate when the time is right, regardless of what you do.

Anyone else been getting magically killed from behind by an axe at helmand valley in MOH for ps3?

In 2 different matches yesterday,and one today on combat mission at helmand valley I was seemingly magically axe murdered from behind 5 times in 1 match.The 4th time I was facing the enemy and would have seen anyone come up.The 5th time I went back to that same area,cleared it,there was def nobody there,and again it happened.The one time tonight when it happened,I was way back in the spawn area,too far for any enemy to be able to go without dropping dead from going out of bounds.

How do I stop my snoring?

I NEED HELP!! I never snored my whole life until this month. I had problems breathing out of my nose since i fracture my nose back in middle heal and it looks straight but every time i clean my nose, their seems to be a difference of size inside the right compared to left size of my i've been breathing out of my mouth since then and i became so use to it that it just seems natural to me but i started to snore and this is coming out of my friends recorded few minutes of my sleep and i look ugly with my breathing, my jaw will shake once in a while and the sound of snore coming out of my mouth..I want to know what is the reason to this, is it because of me gaining so much weight. I've gained a lot since high school and im only 20..two years in and i gained 40 plus bounds..The other weird thing is that before when brush my teeth i will see this thing hanging at my trough which is normal but now i see two big round shape tissue next to im just wondering wat is the reason and how do i get rid of this snoring??

I need help with iPhone 3g wifi connection?

My home wifi wont work on my iphone 3g. its not really a phone, it doesnt have a sim card but i still use it. Sometimes it will connect to the wifi for like a minute then stop. or it doesnt connect at all. or it wont even recognize the network. I know my home wifi works because my ipd connects to it. PLEASE HELP

Requirments for University of British of Columbia?

Im from New York and I'm trying to understand what UBC wants but im not understanding fully. so if someone could explain it to me (in American terms haha), like gpa, SAT and ACT etc that would be great thanks. p.s. I'm currently a junior in high school

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Would the difference in our writing styles be distracting?

The horrible grammar, punctuation, and choppy dialogue and sentences were more distracting than anything else.

This guy doesn't like me enough? Need second opinion! Thank you!?

I cheated on my girlfriend i feel like **** i am staying home eating damn ice cream so yes i am a big douche bag

Theists, are you afraid of a challenge?

Because if some people have the bad taste to raise the question of the truth of the sacred story the keepers of the faith do not enter in to debate with them. They ignore them or denounce them as blasphemers.

Show that linear, bounded operators are hemicontinuous?

Check references on the net: To discuss bounded linear operators, you must be in a normed linear space. In this environment, any bounded linear operator is continuous. Any continuous function is both upper and lower hemicontinuous.

Why did bush let millions go without health care? he didnt care about them like obama does. is it because?

the insurance industry bought him out? seems like it to me. obama stood up to the insurance giant and made them provide healthcare for ALL americans. not something to look lightly at. also, why did bush sit and read books to children as americans were attacked? obama didnt do that, he went out and caught usama bin laden. and then finally, bush believed in this crazy idea of free market, laissez faire, dog eat dog, winner take all economy that lead to economic collapse. obama pursued strict regulation for the protection of the consume and the economy is improving by leaps and bounds. now can we stop all these "what good has obama done" questions? they are just silly when you look at the evidence.

My best mate makes me feel?

My bestfriend lives in another town 16miles away (i just slept there for 2 days )and when i am with him i feel relxaed and great and happy but when i go back my hearts bounding and my stomach is twisting and i am in physcial and mental in pain and then i wait untill school and when i see his face my pain is relevied help

God is all-loving and He does not hate sin. What do you think?

God hates sins which becomes apparent when you read statements like in Malachi where God talks about hating divorce. The lists of sin in the Bible make quite clear that murder, theft, etc. are things God can't abide and will one day do away with. Hell was originally created to deal with the sin of the fallen angels, but sadly many people will go there as well.

Do you think my toddler has a speech delay?

Don't worry although it may seem as if everyone is better, 3-5 five word sentences is the average. I used to take care of children before and most of the three year old I met could speak only a little but had a little bit of problems with shapes and colors. The four year olds were better at that. If anything, maybe he is more of the artistic than analytical child and that is perfectly fine since most people think with either one side of the brain or the other. Maybe he will be more creative. :)

So, about those little drop-down things that remember your email for you as you're typing it in...?

On Internet Explorer there is a "tools" tab around the top right corner and on Google Chrome there is a wrench icon located also around the top right corner that you can go to and click on the relating choice(history, options, etc..) and you can delete your browsing history, cookies(which is what you probably need to delete for your issue), and things like that. On firefox in the top left corner there is an orange rectangle at the very top left corner that says firefox, click on that rectangle and it will give you choices to choose from.

UBC or SFU for first year?

I plan on attending UBC for years 2-4. But for year 1, I have a scholarship to SFU for $3500 and nothing from UBC. I can either go to SFU first year and then transfer over, which as my friend learned is a big hassle and not all classes transfer over as planned and lots of phone calls need to be made to get enrolled in the course you want next year. OR I can go straight to UBC for years 1-4. My parents have told me that money is not an issue and that I can decide on whichever university I want. Thoughts?

UBC just calculates on five approved grade 12 courses, can I choose which ones?

I'm not sure if it varies depending on which faculty you apply to, but typically they'll ask you to enter marks for all eligible Grade 11 and Grade 12 you completed. They will take your English 12 mark and three of the highest besides English 12 (I think it's three other approved courses, not four). Their requirements vary in different faculties, so look at the guidelines specific to the program you are applying to.

Does the self awareness mirror test miss the point?

You can program a computer to recognize itself in a mirror. This is just input output.. You wouldn't gauge how conscious a computer is by this. obviously they are not at all.. it seems like the mirror test is a gauge for self recognition. But I don't think this is quite what consciousness really is. any thoughts?

My laptop doesn't recognize my scanner?

I have hp pavilion laptop with windows 7 and when i try to install a benq scanner it doesn't recognize it although i downloaded mirascan several times .I read in the net that windows 7 doesn't support benq scanners and when i tried troubleshooting it says the program is not compatible to the os .I downloaded another software from the net,but still have the same problem . How to make my OS recognize my scanner ??

Restore used iPod to factory settings?

I recently bought a used iPod 5th gen classic. The seller from eBay did not set it to factory settings prior to selling it. I have connected it to my computer but itunes does not recognize it because its still set to his itunes. how do i set it to factory settings without using itunes?

I failed University! I have some questions!?

Ok so I was an idiot and failed most of my courses for UBC science. I regret doing so, but theres not much I can do by whining so I was wondering if I could immediately apply for another university with my highschool marks? Is that possible? They will not look at my UBC marks will they? How about transferring into Arts?

What happens if my tee shot lands on a bird's back?

What happens if my tee shot lands on a bird's back and he carries it out of bounds but then is attacked by a larger bird who grabs the ball and drops it in the hole? Is that still a hole in one? 'Cause that's how I'm gonna play it.

Should I bother applying to a big name school?

Interesting dilemma. Assuming that you have the qualifications to get into Stanford I would tell you to go for it. Try talking to some current or former students to get an idea of what good the degrees are. Ask around to figure out what the benefits of going to the school are (over another less recognized school).

If this had happened to you what would you have done?

Why is this question in the "Royalty" section? Queen Elizabeth only has time to answer really important questions.

Calculus Integral Question Volume of the Solid?

Find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the region in the first quadrant bounded by the coordinate axes, the curve y=e^x, and the line x=ln 17 about the line x=ln 17.

What is the name of this song from flicka 2?

The song when her dad makes flicka go to stay at his friends place and it starts playing and goes something like this:"everyday I'm stumbling,I know but I'm not recognising". Please help:)thanx in advance:D

How to get rid of the l empty line?

Here is a link to my code. If you look above the "name", there's an empty line. I want to get rid of that. How do I do that? Thank you!

Depressed about my diagnosis?

I am 23 years old and live in Scotland. Ever since i left school at 18 i always suffered with up and down moods.I would have periods where i was so low and depressed i slept for days on end and didn't eat and didn't want to talk to anyone. Then there would be periods where i could stay up for days with sleepless agitation. I was extremely irritable and lashed out at those close to me over the slightest thing.My anger knew no bounds during these periods. My thoughts also raced uncontrollably, i had so much energy,I thought i was invincible, i spoke really quickly and incoherently and i believed i was a famous movie star.My family reached breaking point about 6 months ago when, during one of my high periods, i started running towards a moving train and nearly got killed.My family took me to my GP who referred me to a psychiatrist. After being evaluated for six months i was finally diagnosed with Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder.I am now on 1200mg of Lithium. In a way i am glad to finally have a name to my feelings.But on the other hand i am really downhearted and depressed about my diagnosis.Can i live a normal life despite the diagnosis?Thanks for reading and i would appreciate your thoughts.Take care.

Lifebook ah530 built-in microphone doesn't work after reinstalling windows 7?

My mic doesn't work at all. It's not recognized by windows. Only the jack where a mic can be plugged is detected. It worked pretty fine before the reinstall and now I can't find it even in Device Manager. I've tried working with the volume mixer and volume controls with no effect. Any help would be highly appreciated!

Downhearted about my diagnosis?

I am 23 years old and live in Scotland. Ever since i left school at 18 i always suffered with up and down moods.I would have periods where i was so low and depressed i slept for days on end and didn't eat and didn't want to talk to anyone. Then there would be periods where i could stay up for days with sleepless agitation. I was extremely irritable and lashed out at those close to me over the slightest thing.My anger knew no bounds during these periods. My thoughts also raced uncontrollably, i had so much energy,I thought i was invincible,I felt like God, i spoke really quickly and incoherently and i believed i was a famous movie star.My family reached breaking point about 6 months ago when, during one of my high periods, i started running towards a moving train and nearly got killed.My family took me to my GP who referred me to a psychiatrist. After being evaluated for six months i was finally diagnosed with Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder.I am now on 1200mg of Lithium. In a way i am glad to finally have a name to my feelings.But on the other hand i am really downhearted and depressed about my diagnosis.Can i live a normal life despite the diagnosis?Thanks for reading and i would appreciate your thoughts.Take care.

If i didn't get accepted into sfu do I have any chance of still getting into ubc?

I applied for the faculty of arts at both, both in psychology... i found out my average was too low for sfu.... you dont find out about your acceptance to ubc for a month or so.. do i have any chance?

Can you give me some advice on a fearful dog?

Ok so like in august into september, i'm going to board my grandma's australian shepherd. She is a female, and this is the first time i am ever going to board a dog:) I do have experience with dogs by the way because i'm living with a rottie and i helped raised him as a pup and i'm still living with him now. My grandma is going to be gone for a month or more, and i can easily exercise her and feed her, but problem is, she is one fearful dog! She is quite scared of everything and everyone! She might recognize me though because i have cleaned at my grandma's house a few times so she has seen me. The thing i'm worried about is that when my grandma comes to drop her off at me and my family's place, I'm thinking she will be so scared and try to bite somebody or won't get out of the car. I want to help this though, i want to help and train her to not be scared. Do you think you could tell me how to train a fearful australian shepherd? so she won't be scared to death of everything? Thanks:) Oh yeah....i know that i have to be the pack leader to and i already know how to do that. I am pretty young to by the way:) Also, PLEASE do not go telling me that "don't board a fearful dog, have your grandma take her to a professional trainer" she doesn't have the time for that, plus i have already said yes i will board her and i really do want to board her! so Do not say anything like that! just tell me how to train her out of her fearfulness:) and, i've already helped train a rottweiler, so i am experienced:) THANKS:-)

What are the chances of getting accepted into UBC with these marks?

I am graduating this year from a 3 year college science program that includes physics, calculus 1 2 , chem, bio, phil, etc. I am probably going to finish with an 84. with that, what are the chances of getting into UBC?

How can people deal with stress/depression from overload of work? when should they recognize when too much is?

How can people deal with stress/depression from overload of work? when should they recognize when too much is?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

What is the track used on the song badman riddim?

Theres a part to this song that I recognise but really can't put my finger on it. How someone can help :)

What are the chances of getting into UBC Bachelor of Science program without Grade 11 physics?

I love science. If you are interested in this program then you should definitely take physics. Every field in science is interconnected with one another and you want to expand your mind. Don't limit yourself to just chem and math. You can apply chem , math and physics with eachother. You can only benefit by raising your probability of acceptance and learning new material. Take it , you've got nothing to lose. :)

Netgear MAC Authentication Question?

Everything was working fine - then this afternoon lost internet and dont know why...I have a HP desktop with XP, Netgear WNDR3300, lost wifi content, but still able to connect to network. Comcast ISP said modem is fine, and when going desktop >ethernet>modem, I can ping and they can see me. I set up the router again, and tried pinging from desktop out ethernet to router to modem and they couldnt see me. I logged into and after an hour, found that if i switch the MAC Authentication under the "Router MAC Address" from my desktop MAC address to the MAC address of my Iphone - I get internet and again all the wifi works and is very fast on all devices. If I go back to desktop MAC ID, I lose it again. I tried the default option, and the manual one - Is my desktop somehow not being recognized as legit MAC ID? Sorry for the rambling, and appreciate any help!

How are they related to research?how are the 2 quotations connected?

The first quote is talking about solving a large problem by focusing on the small issues and not get overwhelmed. So it's just like researching the small details and not looking at the big picture. The second quote is kind of opposite. It is talking about how people are unable to be open minded as they get older so little kids are able to understand and be more open the the big issues in life without zooming in on the small, trivial problems that adults are so consumed with

Why don't they show the Casey Anthony case jury on Tv?

Are the afraid that they will be recognized and persecuted by people? This is the only reason I think they wouldn't show them.

Transfering credits between universities?

If I were to go to the University in Victoria (UVIC) and do my undergraduate program there, would I be able to transfer credit to University of British Columbia (UBC) for their pharmacy school?

What compelling reasons are there to legislate in the favor of Gay marriage?

I totally agree with you. Also let me just add that couples who cant procreate most not be able to marry. Also men with low sperm counts. Oh also women with a T shaped uterus shouldn't either. Let's not forget the people with Huntington's disease cause they won't be around to raise the child. (sarcasm)

Is it great to be a celebrity?

I don't think being famous and a celebrity is all cracked up like it seems. Yeah, it might seem nice to be famous and the advantages are everyone knows you, you get frebbies, you become rich, you mingle and become friends with other celebs and you get invited to the hottest parties, but celebrity life can be not that great. The more famous you are the more people know you, you're constantly in the press and you have NO private life, your private life is always being reported on so everyone can read some juicy gossip and you have to have thick skin & some back bone, because some people are rude about celebrities and they say nasty things. I'd hate to be a celebrity, because everywhere you go everyone wants a piece of you and it must be annoying and tiring. But, it's nice to dream and if you want this, then why not (: good luck! xoxo

I really want a relatioship, but how do i get one?

ok im a 15 years old gay guy and ive never had a relationship before nor have i ever kiss a person.. no one knows im gay, but i really want someone now... i dont know how to recognize ifi someone is is not like i could ask some one just like that, the only open gay boys in my school i know are annoying ... so i dont know what to do... and even if i get a boyfriend i dont think i could tell my family .. and i domnt know how i would excuse my absenses..i dont know what to do please help

When applying for a university in Canada, are all achievements/certificates from grade 8-12 included?

I am unsure of what is included in the heading "high school records" in the admission progress for UBC

I accidentally deleted a picture off of my iPod Touch Gen 4?

I accidentally deleted a very important picture off of my iPod Touch and I was wondering if anyone knew of any recovery software that is compatible with the Gen 4 and will recover my picture. All the programs I have tried will not recognize my iPod for some reason. Please help!


I had the same promblem, check to see is your tv is on the right input. I had mine on video 2 instead of hdmi 3.

Please...... I need everyone's help on this...... Should I BE CONCERNED?

Furthermore, yes I agree with you. Under the circumstances you have presented, in my expert opinion. You should definitely call the police and tell them what's going on.

I reallly want a relationship, but how do iget one?

oki im a 15 years old gay guy and ive never had a relationship before nor have i ever kiss a person.. no one knows im gay, but i really want someone now... i dont know how to recognize ifi someone is is not like i could ask some one just like that, the only open gay boys in my school i know are annoying ... so i dont know what to do... and even if i get a boyfriend i dont think i could tell my family .. and i domnt know how i would excuse my absenses..i dont know what to do please help

Need help about how to forget?

i know its hard, but the only way is too move on. Don't focus your life on one guy. There are plenty of fish in the sea. I am pretty much the same when it comes to guys. I always like the ones I can never get, and thus miss great opportunities with other REALLY HOT guys!..My advice to you would be to move on, cos trust me girl, you don't want to lose out in life.

Do you think I can get into UBC?

So I recently applied to UBC's Commerce (1st choice) and Engineering (2nd choice) program with an 87. I didn't get denied in either of the two faculties, but they told me that the requirements hasn't been met, and that they will reevaluate me in mid-May... So if I raise my current average, do you think there is a possibility that I will get in?

A buddy of mine is taking steroids what should i do ?

I just found out a close friend of mine is on the juice! He is well aware of the risks involved but insists that he knows what he is doing? I don't want to overstep my bounds but also don't want him to end up as a special on dateline what would you guys do

Should the State be able to force a Methodist church to ordain a Catholic?

Liberalism is all about force. The only time it hides its bullying ways is when it anticipates its leaders would lose if they tried bullying. It waits until it is strong enough. Ultimately it turns to Socialist Fascism.

Do you think I can get into UBC?

So I recently put in my marks to be evaluated (87%) for commerce (first choice) and applied science (second choice) and was put on the waiting list... With 87 do you think I can eventually get accepted? And if so, do I need to raise my mark by the next time they reevaluate my application (it being in mid May)?

How many times can you have a criminal case continued?

I got charged with 3 felonies on April 7th, 2011 and had my first court date the day after in which I got a public defender, I know there not worth anything but I can't afford to hire a real lawyer. About 3 weeks later I had my second court date which was in district court and at the court date my public defender waived something and my case got bounded over from district court to superior court. I am out on bail as of right now still waiting to hear from my public defender on when my first court date will be in superior court. I was wandering how many times can I legally get my case continued so I can stay out of jail/prison as long as I can? Or is it totally up to the judge weather or not he will allow me to continue? I live in North Carolina if that matters. Just looking for honest answers and not wanting to be judged or labeled as a criminal and I don't wanna read rude comments calling me a criminal...I'm innocent until proven guilty.

How do I successfully install apps on my Samsung Focus (Windows Phone 7)?

I get on Marketplace, browse through apps and select one like Facebook but when I tap install it ALWAYS tells me it cant get the information for it. My phone is about 6 months old and never been broken or anything. When it has the info and i tap buy it says to connect to my computer and now that I have, nothing. Fail. Can someone please tell me step by step the process of getting my computer to recognize my phone, get Zune, and actually install the apps?

Finding the fluid force on a region?

Find the fluid force on the region bounded by the graphs of y(x)= x^2 and g(x)= 4 . The fluid surface is at y=4, and the fluid weighs 40 pounds per cubic foot. (Assume that the xy-plane is vertical.)

What are some college majors that are highly paid and will be for the next five years?

Go for accounting--accounting majors I have known seem very successful in finding good jobs, even without being CPAs. Computer science is another great option. Finally, math or engineering would be excellent options, especially given that you're strong in math. There is job security there, though not nearly as much money as in the first two fields I mentioned.

Competitive average for admission to UBC Science for Fall 2011?

for a guaranteed acceptance into UBC Science this year, i heard you would have to have a 92-93% or higher. You would definitely have a better chance with a 91% average, and you may have to wait until may. i think you would have a chance, but if you want my best advice, i would say you should call the ubc admissions officer. they would be able to tell you, and are much more reliable than yahoo answers.

Do you think I can get into the UBC engineering program?

I know the competition this year is VERY high so this is really worrying me... I have my 4 courses including the 2 sciences so I'm set there (English, Math, Physics and Chemistry). However, my average is only 87 percent exact. I know the cutoff line is 80 percent, but it still worries me that I might now get in... So does it seem possible that I can get in with 87 percent?

I need advice on this guy! 10 points for best answer! Thank you!?

He might like you, but if he does it's not enough to even talk to you. Do you really want a guy who doesn't even like you enough to get over his nervousness of talking to you, especially when you made it really easy for him? I'd forget him, because you can clearly do better.

My boyfriend is getting overprotective because of my job?

My boyfriend and I both live in a big city. He has a career in law enforcement. He's gotten a promotion and was put in the Special Victims Unit. So, he sees a lot of rape victims and things like that all the time and before he didn't really worry about me too much. But now he insists on walking me home all the time and I used to just walk home alone. Or if I walk home from a party or something with a roomate, he'll insist I text him as soon as I get home. One time I forgot because I was really tired and he came to my apartment all freaked out and just got really mad. If I'm walking home in a dress or something short, he'll make me wear his jacket. Also, I'm a local journalist so guys will recognize me and be like, "Haven't I seen you before?" And now he gets really mad when they do that. I do see his point a TINY bit because I am a young woman living in a big city and I used to walk home by myself at like 3 a. m all the time. Is this bad behavior?Do you think he is wrong for being so overprotective or is it understandable. Regardless, it makes me uncomfortable and I've tried to tell him to lay off but he doesn't really get it. What should I do? How do I convince him to relax? Do you think he should look into another unit because I think this job is starting to really mess with his head. I'm not saying I'm the type of girl that would make him do it but are these things normal for people in the SVU?

Macbook question?! please help :)?

i plugged in my camera (nikon) and the nikon transfer comes up so its obviously recognizing, but i need to take pictures from my computer and drag them to the memory card thats on my computer and i cant find it anywhere. i need to print them asap. help? lol new to this mac stuff. and no, its not coming up in finder.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Simple exponential primitive functions?

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How to get my PC to re-recognize my Microsoft Sidewinder X6 keyboard?

>Well, I am not exactly sure of what you are talking about, I do not know the Sidewinder keyboard or an extension...but it simply sounds like what you have is a short in that connector. Maybe you can use a very fine pair of needlenose pliars and try to bend any bent pins or connectors back into place so that the short doesn't occur any longer. Look into the connector and see if you can see two pins or two metal objects bent or touching each other. That may be the problem right there.

Which school is more renowned/known for their sciences?

UBC (as opposed to UBCO) is generally higher ranked than UVic, although both are very good. For what it's worth, UBC has higher entrance standards, so it presumably attracts a few more top academic students. Although I'm a UBC Science graduate myself, one thing I really like about UVic is its cooperative education program, which is top-notch; biology at least. Anyways, if your choice is strictly to be on the basis of international renown, then go with UBC. But I would recommend you consider many other factors, including the academic reputation of the specific science you are considering studying, the size of the school and the city (some people would prefer the smaller city environment of UVic), whether you have friends or family in one city, etc.

What color should I dye my hair?

I have pale skin, freckles across the bridge of my nose, blue/green/grey eyes and pinkish lips. I have a mostly irish complexion. My natural hair color underneath is a medium brown with streaks of golden blonde on most of the top. I really want to try something new but am too afraid to wing it/ don't want it to look bad. It can't be anything too unnatural like blue or green but red, brown or blonde would be in bounds. Thanks so much for the help!

UBC versus UofOttawa?

Both top schools. The winter weather is a lot less crummy in Vancouver. In your case, you can save a lot of money going to UBC. Can your GF move to Vancouver?

Transfering credits between universities?

If I were to go to the University in Victoria (UVIC) and do my undergraduate program there, would I be able to transfer credit to University of British Columbia (UBC) for their pharmacy school?

Affordable and safe place to live in London within 40 min commute to Holborn?

In London there a people called Estate Agents. In the USA we call them Realtors. THey have the most inside information on apartment availability of anybody. We do have friends in the London hamlet of Lewis (Lewis Ham) but they are seeking to leave the area.

Did the PS3 erased my flashdrives memory?

I put my flash drive into the ps3 (slim) to put some music on. Then I took it out to modify the way the PS3 recognizes the music files on my PC, but when I put them on my PC, ALL my files were gone. It says that the file is empty, but it still shows that I have used space on the flash drive. I have windows 7, my flash was fine the whole day and I did take it out properly before putting it onto my PS3. Is there a way to get my files back or a reason why this happened. My PS3 is fairly new as well, I got it just the other day!

How can i get my computer to recognize my polaroid mp3 player?

i need the steps to take to make them wont recognize on its own. message pops up saying "power surge on port". "a usb device has exceeded the power limits of its hub port. for assistance in solving this problem, click this message". please help.

Question about doing mba degree?

Why don't you major in engineering. Doesn't make sense if your majoring in business and you want to work in electrical engineering, unless you just want to work in the business aspect of it or start your own company...but other than that it just seems weird.

What is currently in-place meaning of marriage in the United States of America?

It gives them that warm fuzzy "holier than thou" attitude. That and closing women's health care clinics.

Windows 7 driver installation for Canon EOS Digital Software?

I have tried several times to install the software for my Canon EOS 10D since Windows 7 does not recognize the drivers that came with the disk of my Cannon EOS Digital Camera. But when I plugged in the USB cable from my Camera to import the images, Windows opened instead of the Canon program for importing the RAW images. The Canon File Viewer Utility can not find the images which can be viewed within windows. Can anyone help?

What the hell did he mean by this !?!?!?!?

sometimes guys just dont think he also could have been saying that ud have a better time with him rather with tea

Why did the value of the US Dollar begin plummeting the moment Republicans gained control of all 3 Branches?

a href="*&fd=1&fm=1&fy=1990&ld=31&lm=12&ly=2020&y=daily&q=volume&f=png&a=lin&m=0&x=" rel="nofollow"…/a

What should I do with this guy? (Please help!!!)?

Sweetheart, I want to say first thank you for having the nerves to like someone younger than you in high school! You certainly shocked him a bit. After all, you are an upperclassman and he's simpy gonna be a soph next year. Let him come to you. Guys love waiting and anticipation. If he sees that you are not talking to him, he'll want more and come to you! Follow your heart, Hun. If you like him, give him little hints once he starts to talk to you again. But sometimes, since he's younger and scared, you must take some initiative. Like "oh hey you were taking about that new movie right? wanna go see it this Friday?" or something. Couples of different grades are adorable! Because their love is stronger locked, they also dodge the peer pressure from other people their grade! Get him girl, but only after he has taken the first step! Best of luck! If luck strikes then email me at!

What university can i get in to with these marks?

NYU, yes. Others, IDK. You have good grades, but let me say something about ivies: there are students with perfect GPAs and take all APs but they still get rejected. Just for perspective.

For those who believe Jesus and God and Holy Spirit are all ONE, why would you think we still need to pray?

Because He says we must pray. Its what brings us closer to Him. Prayer causes things to happen that will not happen if we never pray. In fact Jesus said that we must pray without ceasing. I don't know who this God is that you are talking about. He isn't in the bible. But He seems to be created in your mind. That is why your statements don't make any sense and there is no logic in what you are talking about as far as who the real God is. He is the God of the bible. And the bible clearly explains who He is.

I had a dream about a golden angel?

I ran through some door that lead me to the other side of some place. I don’t know how I got there. I was originally chasing after some guy who used blasphemy against God but it looked like I was in another dimension…On this side I could see the man become a dark creature or a demon. He was about to be punished for what he had said by being bounded and hanged. Well I saw a noose heading our way but it wasn’t used yet. The background had two sides: a side that looked like hell, which the demon was heading for & a side that looked like heaven. Then it looked like I was in between the divide and it looked like swirling spiraling clouds. From the heaven side came these very tall golden figures. There were 3 of them & I called them angels. But they didn’t look like the typical angels that you see on television. They were golden, very great in height, almost skinless and very radiant. The demon had looked like a real demon too. Nothing like on TV either. Very grotesque and full of hatred. Its back was hunched and it was black. I didn’t look at it much. But in a way the angels looked like aliens, thought the were not. The head angel approached me & I become afraid. I thought that I did something bad & would die, if I already wasn’t dead. It told me that the presence of God was here and I should bow down. So I did. Then it asked me why I followed the man to where I was, where ever that was. I was confused why it wouldn’t know but I figured it was testing me so I told it because the man or thing said a blasphemy against God & I didn’t want it to get away with it. The angel told me to kneel and look at him. Then it said, because of actions like this you will enter the kingdom of heaven & something else about God being pleased or something. Then it told me not to be afraid then touched my face with both of its giant hands and did something to my body through a light. Then I was allowed to leave wherever I was and went back into my dream. I don’t know what it did. Maybe it healed something? I don’t know.

Do I have a chance to get into a Canadian university?

What are you even worried about? Seems like you got all B+ and A's. And if you have strong extracurricular activities then I wouldn't sweat it.

Can people self-diagnose themselves on an eating disorder?

My friend thinks she might have bulimia because she has a lot of the know symptoms, including severe depression. Can people actually recognize if they have a problem and should something be done? Or should she just get a doctors analysis?

Do US Conservatives at least agree death penalty is too harsh for same-sex marriage?

Do US liberals at least agree that the death penalty is too harsh for being an entrepreneur or a business owner or owning a private jet?

Why should romantic love be limited to one individual? When the world has so many amazingly unique people?

well first off no one is limiting you to one individual, only you can limit yourself. now how the other person reacts to you being with more than one person is a different story. i'm sure there are other people out there that share your view point, you just got to find them.

Will a grade around 80% get me into university?

I have around a 80% average in gr 11, and i do sports. I want to get into the biology area, and would like to go to universities like university of alberta, queens, york, mcmaster or ubc. I'm wondering if an 80% will be ok or is it no acceptable? i'm going by the alberta curriculum

Applying to UBC next year? pretty much need a 85%+ for UBC to have a guaranteed spot in most programs ( science being 92). For SFU its around 80+. Also, universities dont give a rats ***. about how hard ur teacher was or whatever. They care about the mark, luckily, grade 11 dosent really matter except for scholarships and early acceptance.

Will you read this poem (02), if you must?

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I need advice on this guy! 10 points for best answer! Thank you!?

He might like you, but if he does it's not enough to even talk to you. Do you really want a guy who doesn't even like you enough to get over his nervousness of talking to you, especially when you made it really easy for him? I'd forget him, because you can clearly do better.

Is it possible to get into med school if I'm averaging around a B to B+ in my first year of university?

I want to become a doctor, but in my first year of university I'm only getting around a B to B+ average depending on what my final scores are and I may get a C+ in one of my classes. Is this a big deal if it's in my first year? and if it matters, the school that i want to get into is UBC med.

How do i make my cd spin?

I baught a game today for my pc and when i put the cd in nothing happens, even though it should autorun and spin on its own, how do i make my pc recognize the cd in it and make it spin and start reading it

What are some universities/colleges with really good International relations/affairs/business programs?

You should look into the Huntsman Program at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. The program is essentially made up of top tier ivy league students who all get the single best undergrad business degree in the country and get a second major in a foreign language. A lot of foreign internships are only available to kids in this program

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I want to know a bunch of stuff about cars?

The easiest way is to look at the back of the car. They almost always have the model name. Learning the symbols of the makes will be a big help too.

Are these good things to get into university?

I really want to attend UBC and I already have 99 service hours from being a summer camp leader and then i was just a camp leader again and got 86 service hours for it. are leadership and service hours important qualities in a person to get into university? I know grades are the main part but universities also want a well balanced person right? I also do Dance and did piano as an extracurricular. thanks :)

Is it possible to get admmision in a canadian university in a master program with 65 to 70 percent average .?

i have done my bechalor hons. degree and am a international student . want to study bioinformatics at master level in large sized university probably university of ottawa, mc -gill and UBC etc.. what willl be the requirements needed and is it possible to get admission wid this percentage.

Quick solid of rev question (calc)?

Find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region bounded by y =1/x^3, y = 0, x = 3, and x = 7, about the y-axis.

I don't know what to do about my life..?

So i'm in gr 11.. and this september i'm turning gr 12. That means i'm going to be starting to hand it applications to universities or colleges that i want to attend. To be honest, i don't know if i'm eligible to get into university i want to go in. I feel the need to go into that university(which is University of British Columbia.. i live in Canada) because all my cousins went there and they are girls, and i feel that i need to go to UBC as well.. but that's a different story. I just don't know what to do. I don't have much volunteer hours, i don't really do much extracurricular activities(i never knew what these were.. i don't know.. it's not like i don't know what it means but if u asked me some example of those, i could never give out).. i only have the summer break to get these all done.. I'm so pathetic.. like, i knew it was coming but i just never wanted it to really come get me. And now, it's here, and i'm panicking and don't know what to do. Is there anyone that could help me? Like, what should i start doing? i dont want to talk to my parents because i know they are trying to help but all they do is really criticize me and i know if i talk to them i'm just ganna snap and just run into my room screaming. i'm planning to talk to my councellor tommorrow since today is Sunday.. I don't know.. I hate saying i don't know but i just don't know.. please help.. what should i do? Tell me some extracurricular activities i could do.. and just.. anything that would make universities to want to look at my application rather than just scanning through them.. hope i make sense.. i have a lot going on in my mind right now..

DS: Are these new designer dogs bred for a purpose?

Well, because of the fact that of course there where not as many breeds back then as there are today, made it okay.It is still ok to breed dogs to make different breeds in my opinion but as long as people are doing it for good reasons, not for money. Plus, most places dont take care of there breeding dogs, whitch turns the place into a puppy mill very quickly.

Vcc (Vancouver Community College)?

Hi Guys. I know I have asked about UBC before but now I want to research a bit about VCC (Vancouver Community College). I would like to study Pharmacy and I just want to know what the requirements to enter it would be. I hope to enter through My High School. My second question is after two years at VC can I continue My studies at a University?

My netbook won't connect to the internet without a wireless adapter.?

I used to have windows XP on my netbook. (its an Acer Aspire One) I did a fresh install of windows 7 ultimate, it works GREAT, except it doesn't connect to the internet wirelessly. It needs a wireless adapter to be able to connect wirelessly where as before, when i had windows XP it did not need it. It's almost like it thinks its a desktop computer. How do i fix it so it will recognize wireless internet again without an adapter? Thank you!

UBC vancouver VS UBC okanagan?

Which one is easier? i know that that UBCvancouver is a thought university and i would like to know if UBC okanagan is an easier university.? if yes how easy compared to others universities like university of calgary or waterloo?

Would it be cheaper to live in Victoria or Vancouver (university student)?

I'm thinking about moving to either Victoria, BC and attending UVic or moving to Vancouver, BC and attending UBC or SFU. I would be renting my own apartment and paying all my own expenses. Which option would be the most cost efficient and best atmosphere?

How are they related to research?how are the 2 quotations connected?

They are both gibberish. The only "one world' is the discredited workers paradise of the Marxists. (or perhaps the Caliphate of Islamists) neither sounds particularly appetizing to me. How about you?

Should MS sufferers be allowed to drive buses?

Very delicate question and not meant to insult any Multiple Sclerosis sufferer. I was watching the news where a woman with MS who had trained previously as a bus driver could not find a job since being diagnosed with the disease. Although I believe they should not be discriminated against, surely for public safety there must be certain types of jobs that should be off bounds. This woman admitted somedays she could not move her legs and (having worked with MS sufferers) I know their limbs can go into uncontrolled spasms. What would happen if this occurred when the driver had to brake? Or if the foot went into spasm and pushed down on to the accelerator? Your views please.

UBC Science Undergraduate Requirements?

Hi, I was just wondering what average you need for the UBC Vancouver AND the UBC okanagan science undergraduate program. I know that UBC V is harder than UBCO, however I would like to compare the averages required for each of them. Thank you!

Do I have a chance to get into a Canadian university?

i don't think that will effect your entry to a university but it depends what you want to study then it might effect that and you might not get in to the course you want to do

How can i talk to him?

there is this boy that lives in my neighborhood. we r both 13. i really like him hes really cute! i am friends with him on facebook and we have talked once. i told him i live in his neighborhood. we have seen eachother a lot but never talked or anything. today i went for a bike ride and passed his house. he was outside and looked at me and we both smiled. i want to know him before october when we make confirmation together so he recognizes me. how can i talk to him and when? thanks so much!

How Well Known Are YOU in the Baby Names Section?

Kingston - Bentley - Jace - Xavier - Cash & Elianna - Aaliyah - Aubrielle - McKinsley - Isabella

How do i make my cd spin?

I baught a game today for my pc and when i put the cd in nothing happens, even though it should autorun and spin on its own, how do i make my pc recognize the cd in it and make it spin and start reading it

Should I hire someone who mentioned she is an atheist?

How could I be sure that she could be trusted? Atheists do not appear to have a code of conduct and might defraud my clients. Would others agree with this or not? Don't know why she mentioned her religion. It is usually out-of-bounds. What would you do?

I really want a relationship, but how to get one?

ok im a 15 years old gay guy and ive never had a relationship before nor have i ever kiss a person.. no one knows im gay, but i really want someone now... i dont know how to recognize ifi someone is is not like i could ask some one just like that, the only open gay boys in my school i know are annoying ... so i dont know what to do... and even if i get a boyfriend i dont think i could tell my family .. and i domnt know how i would excuse my absenses..i dont know what to do please help

How to fix colby mp3 player not being detected by computer?

i plugged in a colby mp3 player to the computer the computer does not recognize it. I can not download anything to the computer. The computer is a public one and anything i download has to go directly to the mp3 player, as i can not get to device manager the computer belongs to a public library the mp3 player worked before but i deleted all songs off it how can i get it to work again i do not have any cd for it

What are the requirements for Atmospheric Science at UBC?

Im am wonder in detail what the requirements are. The website doesn't have much information. I need to know what averages and what not I will need. As much detail as possible would be awesome!! Thanks =)

Im confused which to choose between Penn State or University of British Columbia?

I am accepted in both univesities in Business Course. I started my first two years in Penn State but my family has plans to move to Canada soon so I applied for UBC and got accepted. It is indeed nice to have alma mater but UBC is equally good. Please help me decide. Thanks!

How can I find out if my home is to code?

Your apartment does NOT have to be up to current code. It has to be up to code for the year it was built. You need to find out construction year and research the codes for that year.

What happened to my removable disks on the computer?

if its a usb card reader. try unplugging it restarting computer and plugging it back in. if its an internal reader get a pro to much to walk threw for yahoo answers

UBC | GPA for Acceptance? Please help.?

I'm 14 and I was wondering, what GPA average do I need to apply for UBC? I want to become a pharmacist. What are the best ways I could increase my chances? I'm very athletic and fairly smart (Average 3.7GPA [4.0 scale]) but then again i'm only in grade 9.

Depressed about my diagnosis?

I am 23 years old and live in Scotland. Ever since i left school at 18 i always suffered with up and down moods.I would have periods where i was so low and depressed i slept for days on end and didn't eat and didn't want to talk to anyone. Then there would be periods where i could stay up for days with sleepless agitation. I was extremely irritable and lashed out at those close to me over the slightest thing.My anger knew no bounds during these periods. My thoughts also raced uncontrollably, i had so much energy,I thought i was invincible, i spoke really quickly and incoherently and i believed i was a famous movie star.My family reached breaking point about 6 months ago when, during one of my high periods, i started running towards a moving train and nearly got killed.My family took me to my GP who referred me to a psychiatrist. After being evaluated for six months i was finally diagnosed with Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder.I am now on 1200mg of Lithium. In a way i am glad to finally have a name to my feelings.But on the other hand i am really downhearted and depressed about my diagnosis.Can i live a normal life despite the diagnosis?Thanks for reading and i would appreciate your thoughts.Take care.

Sanyo Zio by Kyocera, when a contact of yours calls does it show up their name or just their number?

Mine does not show the name but the number and does not recognize the ring tone Cricket told me this is normal I hope not it is supposed to be an android for pete sake

Find the area of a region bounded by x=0, y=0, and x+y=1?

This area is the area under the line. Rearrange to get y=1-x and put in values so that you get the points (0,1) and (1,0). This makes a triangle of base 1 and height 1, so area is 1/2 x b x h, so area is 0.5!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What's wrong with our daughter?

well you mentioned that she had sad and troubling events in her past, maybe these are bad enough to make her act like this. it could be that she is just looking for attention, like when she exhales loudly and claims nothing is wrong, when she lashes out at others for nothing or the dramatic change into the "gothic culture". part of this might just be teen angst, like when she is asked to do simple chores and complains. i would suggest that you confront her about her behavior. be kind and understanding to what she says but also be strict and don't let her drop the subject or push you away. she might need to see a counselor to just discuss her problems so she doesn't take it out on everybody.

How long did it took for u to get out of schizophrenia?

hello there. disorganised type. experiencing more and more freedom every day. even feel like i`m finally developing some bounds with events around me. Concentrating feels more and more natural. Anyway still VERY VERY DEEP over here. Been on meds since last august. i feel they started to really kick in like a month ago. It was the time when i felt like finally something started to go away. Doc said that with these meds ill be able to if not completely get out of here than maximally stop this. i guess with these words he ment a state where this wont be bothering anymore. Or maybe it will always be here and i wont be completely free no more? good question. anyways interested how long did it took for u to get out of here. i feel like i have been forever and i cant believe in a fact that it actually CAN completely go away. when u are in a thing like this it is only natural to ask questions like these.. even when u know that there doesnt exist an answer that will satisfy ur desire to find out WHEN this all will end. anyways, any input welcome. would like to know any prognosis or something. i feel like there is an answer to this.